Friday, March 19, 2010

A Photo Journey

If you want to follow our photo journey over the next ten days please go to

Preparations Begin

This afternoon the ADL group will come together for the first time in Berlin. Most have already arrived and are sleeping off the jetlag. Other have been traveling Europe for a few days and have started to explore this mystifying city.  Shoshanna and I arrived yesterday morning and did our best to get acclimated. We had a leisurely lunch down the street from the hotel, made friends with Jucito our energetic waiter and we met our fabulous German guides! Lisa and Kathleen are the perfect counterparts to Shoshanna and I. Quickly we moved from discussing our educational and employment backgrounds to discussing family dysfunction and religion.  I think it is safe to say that we are going to have an interesting and enriching journey.  Here is just a taste of our experiences thus far....